2019年12月25日 星期三

(世界新聞):Australia fires: The thousands of volunteers fighting the flames

來源:Frances Mao,  BBC, 24 DEC, 2019, 原文網址

"We're doing it because it's a passion. It's a brotherhood," says Daniel Knox.


"When that photo was taken of me, I had done a 15-hour shift out there."

He is one of thousands of Australians who've dropped their ordinary lives to battle the nation's raging fire crisis.

For weeks, the 22-year-old landscaper has lived around his phone, springing into action when called upon.

He is part of the New South Wales Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS) which calls itself "the world's largest volunteer firefighting organisation". Its 70,000 members are extensively trained and, except for a few senior staff, mostly unpaid.

Mr Knox joined his local brigade in Sydney's south-west five years ago, when he was 17. He bonded with a senior member - Andrew O'Dwyer - over football and photography.
"He took me under his wing, looked after me and helped me out so much. The respect he gave me, a young bloke, even when I made mistakes... he was my brother," he told the BBC.
諾克斯先生在五年前他17歲時,加入了他家鄉的分隊 - 雪梨西南支隊。他與一個資深成員 - 安得魯奧德懷爾在足球與攝影上一拍即合。他告訴BBC說:"他教導我、照料我、幫助我許多。即是我只是個年輕小夥、有時也會犯錯,他還是很尊重我,他是我大哥。"

Last Thursday, Mr O'Dwyer and Geoffrey Keaton, the deputy captain at the Horsley Park Fire Brigade, were sent out late at night to a massive firefront.
上週四,奧德懷爾先生與吉佛瑞基頓 - 霍斯利公園消防分隊副隊長,在深夜出勤前往救火。

En route their truck was hit by a falling tree, which caused it to roll. Three firefighters in the back seat were injured but were able to escape.

Mr O'Dwyer and Mr Keaton - both fathers to young children - were killed at the scene. They died five days before Christmas.
奧德懷爾先生與基頓先生 - 都是尚有年幼孩子的父親 - 不幸當場罹難。距離全家團聚的聖誕節僅僅只有五天之遙。

Earlier, bigger, more dangerous fires


Since September, close to 3,000 firefighters have been out every day in NSW battling blazes the size of small European countries.

Close to 90% of those people on the ground are unpaid volunteers, says the NSW RFS, the government-funded organisation leading the fight.

This century-old model is common across Victoria, South Australia, and Western Australia - Australian states which have traditionally had bushfires each summer. In recent years, fires have also flared up in Tasmania and sub-tropical Queensland.
In NSW, most of the 2,000 or so brigades are found in country towns and rural centres dotted among eucalyptus bushland. Members are almost always locals, stepping in to save their own communities.

Historically, the work has tended to be patchy, which has been a key factor behind the volunteerism. Fires don't rage all year round, and there have been years when many areas aren't affected at all.

But this year, the situation has changed. Intense blazes typically seen in later summer have flared in spring, forcing authorities to wage full-blow campaigns earlier than ever before.

They're also dealing with hundreds more fires, burning simultaneously in hotter and drier conditions. NSW has been in drought for years, and fires are ripping through the state.

The monstrous Gospers Mountain blaze, an hour's drive north-west of Sydney, has spread to more than 450,000 hectares in size in less than a month. Officials now consider it to be potentially one of the largest fires ever recorded in Australia.

'Everyone's working so hard' 


For weeks, Lucy Baranowski has been among the crews fighting that blaze, and others closer to her home in Kurrajong Heights. She and her partner took leave from their day jobs a few weeks ago - and are currently skating by on savings, credit cards and support from family and friends.
幾週來,在庫拉容高地,路西巴拉諾思基與其他義消隊員,還有其他鄰居們一同對抗火災。她與她的夥伴在幾週前暫時停職 - 現在得依靠存款、信用卡與家人朋友的資助來過活。

She misses her children - she evacuated them to her parents' home over a week ago. On Saturday, her crew helped save a friend's property - a success. But then the wind changed, and the crew could only stand by as the blaze tore through the neighbouring village of Bilpin.
她想念她的孩子們 - 孩子們在一週前被疏散到祖父母家。週六時,她的隊員們幫忙拯救了一個朋友的房子,真是大勝利。然而說時遲那時快,風向一變,隊員們只能乾瞪眼看著烈焰竄燒至鄰近的比爾平鎮。

The situation is extreme, but she has been buoyed by the "bubble of love" from her community, she tells the BBC.

Her friends have organised her children's Christmas presents. Others have manned shifts cooking and cleaning for crews at the station. A prolific blogger, her latest posts about her fireground days have gone viral on social media.

"So many people aren't making an income but are putting every part of their passion and blood into this campaign - it's really, really rough on a lot of people," she says.
她說:"有這麼多人放棄賺錢,而把全副心力、血汗放在這場打火作戰上 - 對很多人來說真的非常艱難。"

She describes the RFS as her family - and in her case this is a literal statement. Out on the fireground she's standing alongside her father and her younger brother, as well her friends, her neighbours, all of them communicating via radio.
他把鄉村消防隊當成是她的大家庭 - 這點絕對是貨真價實。一旦出現火警,她會與她的父親、弟弟,她的朋友與鄰居一同出動。大家就透過無線電互通聲息。

They've been running on adrenalin, but the prospect of a drawn-out summer and a seemingly endless fire front is weighing on all of them.

"You can just hear the fatigue in their voices and almost imagine their dirty, sweaty, ash-covered faces," she says.

"Everyone's working so hard to keep everything together but there's no rain forecast, and there's really nothing we can do to stop this fire."

"It's like do we start to give up hope now that this isn't going to stop?"

News of the firefighters' deaths at Horsley Park, only a 40-minute drive away, "shattered my heart" she says.

"I didn't know them - but that could have been my husband, my father, my uncle, my friend," she said. "After all this is over, we're probably going to fall down in a heap."
"我並不認識他們 - 但這有可能發生在我的丈夫、父親、叔伯與朋友身上。"她說:"這樣就完了,我們可能會徹底崩潰吧。"

'What am I doing here?'


The mammoth, ongoing task has spurred a national conversation about support for firefighters.

The Labor opposition, town mayors, and a firefighters' union have called for them to be compensated.

"They volunteer as much as they can afford, sometimes even more than they can afford. It is not sustainable," says Mick Holton, president of the Volunteer Fire Fighters Association.

It often involves long hours, weeks away from paid work, and accruing expenses along the way. Earlier this year, Mr Knox travelled to the town of Tenterfield to help fight blazes there. It was an eight-hour drive from Sydney - he paid for his own petrol.
這裡指的是:長期無法回去做有薪工作,在這期限又得自掏腰包。今年稍早,諾克斯曾到滕特菲爾德鎮支援救火。這距離雪梨有八小時車程 - 這一路上花費也是自掏腰包處理。

Public support for the "firies" is at an all-time high. In the swing of the Christmas season, shops and restaurants are donating profits to the NSW RFS. Online, there have been fundraisers to buy masks, food, and other supplies for the crews.

However, Australia's government has so far rejected the calls for compensation.
"Now is not the time to go into it. Let's get through this [bushfire crisis] first," said Prime Minister Scott Morrison on Monday.

He added: "When people join these organisations, they do it to protect their community and do it out of a sense of great service."

That is what many firefighters say - they're not motivated by money. They are reticent to speak up for any sort of handout. They've also been consumed with fighting the fires.
"People don't get it, people think how do you risk your life and not get paid for this stuff?" Mr Knox says.
這也是許多義消說的 - 他們不是為了錢。無論在什麼場合他們也不會拿這個來說嘴。他們也都為救火耗盡所有心力。諾克斯先生說:"人們並不明白,人們想說,為何你會願意出生入死卻連薪水都沒有?"

"And yeah, there have been times when I've been in the thick of it, and it's so fierce you can't breathe. And I'm thinking to myself, what am I doing here?"

"But when you're on the truck, you're with your brothers," he said.

He took care of Mr O'Dwyer's young daughter when the prime minister visited the station on Sunday, to meet with her grieving mother.

He's proud of the photo he shared last week, which was taken in a controlled setting. That image of him standing in the middle of a flaming forest has gone viral. Mr O'Dwyer had helped him put the finishing touches on the edit.

"Everyone has a choice in life, in what they want to do when they wake up in the morning," says Mr Knox.

"I'd rather be out there firefighting - doing our part for the community. Making those two boys proud of us for getting back out there."
"我寧願出動救火 - 為我的社區做出貢獻。當我回家的時候,我的兩個小孩會以我們為榮。"

landscaper: 園藝師父、園丁
take someone under one's wing: 照料、教導
en route: 途中
skate by: 用某種方法度過困難的事
prolific: 多產的
fall into a heap: 悲痛欲絕
adrenalin: 腎上腺素,run on adrenalin表示是全速運轉中
weigh on someone: 壓上千斤重擔、責任使人擔憂
reticent: 寡言的
in the thick of something: 在...最激烈、艱難的處境、時刻

